Through him then let us continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge his name. Hebrews 13:15
We like to make worship about ourselves.
We like the warm feeling it gives us when we feel it is being done "correctly". When the words we are singing make sense to our ears, and the music is being played by talented musicians - never out of time, with the perfect crescendos moving the audience in and out of the perfect melodious flow. Music done well is a beautiful thing, don't get me wrong - however, when the music must be "done well" for me to lift my heart in praise, worship has turned into something else other than true worship. When we are too occupied with feeling gratified, how do we focus on gratifying God? When we must be moved to worship, we have turned something that is meant to be an offering into something done on our own terms - no longer an sacrifice.
Have you ever complained about the music style while visiting a church or found yourself critiquing the way the worship band played a certain song? Have you ever made a remark to your husband, friend, etc. about how the worship team "quenched the Spirit", saying "they should have sang that song longer", etc? I have.
I have made worship about myself.
When we stand before God on judgment, will he feel we spent our days in true worship, or will he tell us that we wasted all of our opportunities talking about how it should be done differently?
To a different rhythm.
With different words.
In different circumstances.
When we feel moved.
When we want to.
God is gracious. He envelopes his children in his Spirit and comes close to us when we worship him, but when his grace becomes a requisite - we've missed it.
Are we spoiled rotten?
Since when did something we're commanded to do in all circumstances become something we govern?
Have we taken advantage of His grace?
Ben and I moved to a different church last year, a church that has a very different worship style than churches we have previously attended. It has reminded me that worship isn't about my preferences, but about opening my mouth and proclaiming His name. It's about living a life full of service to God. Even if that means it's happening while the drums are not on beat or the words don't move me. Even if I am scrubbing toilets, cleaning up after my children, or doing something I just flat out dislike.
The circumstance doesn't nullify the command to worship.
Do you find yourself searching for delightful environments in which to worship Him? Do you wait to feel worshipful? I believe God is moving us to a deeper dimension of praise - one in which we adore him simply because he deserves our adoration.
Thanks for stopping by! With Love - Shara
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